Winter Beauty Picks

Oh, hello, winter. You nasty season for skin. You think you’re gonna suck the life and moisture out of my precious, glowing complexion? Well, think again, Elsa. “Cause I worked hard all year to look this radiant, and I ain’t about to LET that SHIT GO.”


And here’s what I’m gonna do about it…

Andrea’s Top Beauty Picks for Winter:

We’ve had some single digit temps here in Chicago, so you can bet your bottom dollar that my bathroom is stocked with these puppies. 


As your local funny girl, who also happens to be a expert  in the beauty industry (with over 18 years of experience, but who’s bragging), I recommend you give these products a shot. They just might change your life...and will definitely change your skin. Beauty might only be skin deep, but great skin also doesn’t suck.

And remember, we aren’t striving for perfection...we are nailing imperfection. 

hugs and high fives,


Andrea Rappaport